Bujinkan Cape Town
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Welcome To Bujinkan Cape Town

Bujinkan is the original fighting art of the ninja... and all that other bullshit. This site was owned and maintained by Stephen Scott who used to lead the Cape Town instruction of this mystical and whimsical art. He... I no longer do.

As far as I am aware there is no reputable Bujinkan Dojo in Cape Town - please don't ask me for a referral.



Also – please don’t try hijack my site, yes this is my site – if you want your own, do that, get your own.




Site Updates
Whatch this space...
Bujinkan is fun, but you're not going to get me to call it the ultimate fighting art or any shit like that. Get a gun and learn to use it.

There are no classes, make like a real modern ninja - make shit up.


We're all meeting at the government headquarters next week Thursday, dress in black and bring guns (we're doing disarms and weapon safety) - ignore the big, uniformed men waving real guns around; they're not part of the exercise. 

The image above is Copywrite of Stephen Scott - If you want to use it you will have to pay. Understand?

More infromation?